Sundays are for everyone! We gather as a community for a time of music as we sing and praise our God! Following “worship” as we call it, the adults stay in the service for a teaching time and the children are dismissed. We have age focused ministry for our children/students: Nursery, Ages 2-3, Ages 4-5, Grades 1-5, and Jr High Church ages 11-15

Midweek Programs / Groups


Grades 6-12s meet every Tuesday night (starting Sep 10) from 7-9pm for games, teaching, and a great time!

Kid’s Club

Ages 5-11 meet every Wednesday night from 6:30-8pm. Visit our Kid’s Club Page for more info!

Men’s and Women’s Groups

We have both a Men’s and Women’s Group that meets at the church every Wednesday night from 6:30-8pm! Come on out!

Young Adults

Ages 18-24 meet a couple times a month to get away from stress and to connect with others!

Young Collective

Ages 25-35 meet a couple times a month to build community and fellowship! Click the link!